Settings Overview

Updated for Standable v2.1.0

Main Page

The Main Settings page is where you can find the most common and easy to access settings. The Main Settings page has four "sections"


Tracker Points

The Tracker Points section is where you decide which Standable trackers you want enabled (and how you want them to react to input data if you're using Mixed Tracking).

To disable a tracker, simply click the corresponding tracker name.

Click HERE to learn more about configuring the Tracker Points for Mixed Tracking.

Main Toggles

Minimize on Start

Minimizes the app to the taskbar when launched.

T-Pose Calibration

Hold a T-pose to enter Calibration mode.

Pencil Pose

When holding a t-pose, place both of your feet right next to each other instead of aligning them with the avatar.

When using Pencil Pose, Standable will automatically apply the needed offset.


Seat Estimation

When sitting in a chair (or other seat) transition into a seated pose.

Seat Estimation trigger sensitivity can be adjusted in Advanced Settings.


Smart Offsets

Calculates consistent/average tracker offsets when calibrating using Mixed Tracking.

Lock Offsets

Lock proxy tracker linked devices and offsets.

Pose Adjustment

Using the sliders in Standable's UI you can adjust the default Standable poses to your liking.


Seated (Top)

Adjusts poses for when sitting in Steated Mode.

Sitting (Middle)

Adjusts poses for when sitting down on ground.

Laying (Bottom)

Adjusts poses for when laying down.


Not all avatars are perectly aligned when calibrating. These alignment issues can be mitigated with the following settings.

You can set the default Alignment values in Advanced Settings HERE

Depth Alignment

When calibrating, moving you hands forward/back will move the Standable trackers to align with your avatar depth.


Stance Alignment

When calibrating, moving you hands in and out will widen Standable's stance to algain with your avatar.


Rotation Alignment

When calibrating, rotating you hands will rotate Standable's feet to align with your avatar's feet angle.


Floor & Bed Settings

Open the Floor & Bed Page by clicking the button at the bottom of the UI labled "Floor & Bed Settings" placeholder

In cases that the floor is not at the correct height you can calibrate the floor by following the instructions below:

Floor Height / Calibrate Floor


Use the Calibrate Floor button to set the Standable floor height to your lowest controller or manually set the value using the number entry.

Check out Quick Start for more detailed instruction on how to set up your floor.

Bed Height / Calibrate Bed


Use the Calibrate Bed button to set your bed height to your lowest controller or manually set the value using the number entry.

Check out Quick Start for more detailed instruction on how to set your bed.

Double Tap Toggle / Toggle Bed Button

When enabled, "Double Tap Toggle" allows you to enter/exit bed mode by double tapping the surface of your bed.

Alternativly you can manually toggle the bed using the "Toggle Bed" button in the UI.


Auto Leave Bed

If you are near "standing" height, the bed toggle will automaically deactivate.


Value Floor

Clamp all proxy trackers to stay above the set floor.

Advanced Settings

Open the Advanced Settings Page by clicking the button at the bottom of the UI labled "Advanced Settings" placeholder

!!! All sections and settings below this point can be found in the Advanced Settings Page. !!!


T-Pose Calibration Timer

How long it takes (in seconds) for T-Pose Calibration to trigger.

Calibration Use Base Floor

Ignore Standable's Floor Offset when measuring height (will use SteamVR's default floor height instead)

Controller ID Offset

If multiple pairs of controllers are connected, choose which pair should be used for wrists (-1 will use most recently paired controllers.).

As an example: if you have two pairs of controllers connected, setting "Controller ID Offset" to 0 will force Standable to use the first pair. If set to 1 it will use the second pair.


Cross Preference

Swap the preferred leg for crossing over the other when sitting or laying.


Hip Sway Amount

Amount estimated hips sway when shifting weight (0-15)


Hip Counterbalance

Amount estimated hips move to counteract head movement.


Elbow Roll Offset

Manaully offset elbow roll rotation (measured in degrees)


Advanced Chest

More dynamic chest/shoulder estimation.


Push To Realign

When laying down, use controllers to push hips back into place if torso got mis-aligned.


No Stick Mode

When enabled, feet won't 'stick' in place when planted. This causes estimation to feel less stiff and more fluid but less controlled.

Experimental Lean

Option to allow light torso lean while feet are in a wider stance.



This is an experimental feature and can cause some unintended weirdness. Proceed with caution.


Adjust proportions of the Standable skeleton to match your IRL body proportions. The proportions are scaled by the height measured when calibrating. (Default proportions will work for 99% of people, but if you'd like to change it you can)

NOTE: You should match the location of Standable trackers to your IRL body and not your avatar.


Alignment Defaults

Tired of having to use the Avatar alignment options and line things up every time? Set the default aligment values so it is consistent every time.

Stance Adjustment Default

Adjust to match up with your avatar's feet stance.

min=0.0 | max=1.0

Rotation Adjustment Default

Adjust to match up with your avatar's feet rotation.

(min=-90 | max=90)

Depth Adjustment Default

Adjust to move trackers forward/back to match up with your avatar.

(min=-1.0 | max=1.0)

Mixed Tracking

Section to adjust how Standable mixes with other FBT methods.

Use Proxy Trackers

Use virtual proxy trackers and hide linked tracker device (fallback not supported if disabled).


Preserve Trackers

Don't hide linked tracker devices when using proxy trackers. (Will still hide trackers during calibration to avoid double linking issues)


Distance (in cm) at which a tracker device can link to a proxy tracker.

Fallback Triggers

Each trigger mode can be enabled/disabled depending on your preference.

Only ONE Fallback Trigger needs to be triggered for Standable to start falling back to estimation for that specific tracker.

Tracking Status

Trigger Fallback based on device's SteamVR status.


Trigger Fallback when tracker gets an unrealstic distance away from body's center of mass.

Can help with trackers that like to drift into space.

Complete Tracking Loss

Trigger Fallback when device completely looses tracking (whether it be occlusion, battery dying, or some other cause)

Fallback Blend Speed

Fallback blending speed. How smoothly Standable blends between estimation and FBT data.

Start Fallback Padding

Duration (in seconds) to wait after a soft tracking loss before entering fallback.

End Fallback Padding

Duration (in seconds) of consistent tracking required for a tracker to exit fallback.

Virtual Desktop

This section is a temporary workaround for a specific issue that occurs when using wireless VR via Virutal Desktop.

Auto Detect VD Issues

Attempt to detect velocity math issues and auto disable velocity math (Overrides "Disable Velocity Math")

Disable Velocity Math

Manually disable velocity math. Can help improve jittery issues when using Virtual Desktop


Basic Smoothing

Apply basic interpolated smoothing to all proxy trackers (0-10)

Note: Basic Smoothing Planned to be Replaced

Basic Smoothing will be replaced with more advanced smoothing methods in the future.

Seat Estimation Trigger Sensitivity

How easy it is to trigger Seat Estimation.

Hide Device Serials

List of device serial numbers to manually disable / hide in SteamVR.


Debug Models

Replace Proxy Trackers with 3D Gizmo models.

Static DeltaTime

Lock DeltaTime to a static value instead of caluclating the DeltaTime.

Log Debug Messages

Log extra detail in the SteamVR Web Console for debug purposes.

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